2 Years - 3 Years
Daily Routine
07h00 –08h00:Arrival at main gate, Indoor Activity
08h00 –08h15:Tidy Up and Washing Hands
08h15 –08h30:Breakfast
08h30 –08h45:Wash hands and toilet routine
08h45 –09h15:Morning ring
09h15 –09h30:Nappy Changing and Outside play (gross motor)
09h30 –09h45:Wash Hands
09h45 –10h00:Snack Time
10h00 –10h15:Temp check, wash hands and toilet routine
10h15 –10h45:Activity time (art, fine motor)
10h45 –11h30:Outside play
11h00 :Nappy changing time and story time
11h30 –11h45:Wash Hands and get ready for sleep time
Half day learners to go home
11h45 –12h15: Lunch Time, wash hands, temp check, sleep time
12h15 –12h30:Sleep time
14h00 :Changing nappy time
14h45 –15h00:Wash hands and snack
15h00 –15h15:Wash hands and temp check
15h15 - 15h30: Afternoon snack
15h30 - 17h00: Aftercare free play